The passing of Maradona, the beloved football legend

Maradona was an iconic player that popularized football with legendary skills as well as infamous scandals. At the age of 60 years old, Maradona has suddenly passed away after heart complications in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Maradona’s career in football was full of memorable moments and disappointments. His iconic goals in the world cup of 1986 has taken Argentina to winning one of the most celebrated world cups. His goal, “the-hand-of-god”, is one of the most controversial goals in the history of the game. While his second goal against England has been voted as the goal of the century.

Maradona was buried in a private ceremony outside of Buenos Aires at the Bella Vista cemetery. Because of the on-going Corona virus pandemic, only a small number of close family and friends were permitted into the cemetery. The football legend was laid to rest alongside his parents.