Maghreb Magazine wishes you Eid Mubarak

Eid Al-Fitr is being celebrated across the Maghreb and people are exchanging family visits and good wishes. On this occasion, Maghreb Magazine wishes our readers everywhere a Eid Mubarak. May your best wishes come true.

Since the beginning and end of Ramadan follows the lunar calendar, discrepancy in the date of Eid is still common. Some countries rely on astronomical calculations and some still rely on eye sightings like in Morocco. This year the Eid in Morocco is celebrated on Saturday and on Friday in Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya.

Across cities in the Maghreb millions of people go to mosques and mussalahs for the Salat El Eid prayer marking the end of Ramadan. Following the prayers, people embrace and exchange hand shakes and hugs and wishing each other a blessed day.

As per tradition many visit the graves of their loved ones after the early morning prayer on the first day of Eid al-Fitr.


Eid prayers at the Hassan II mosque in Casablanca.


Prayers in Algiers during Eid Al Fitr.


Prayers in the ancient mosque of Al Zaytouna, Tunis (source).


Prayers in the streets of Tripoli during Eid Al Fitr.