Morocco rises in worldwide softpower index

In the Global Soft Power Index 2023, Morocco has emerged as the top performer in the Maghreb region, reflecting its efforts to enhance its global influence and reputation through non-coercive means such as culture, values, and foreign policy.

Morocco secured the 55th rank worldwide, and third in Africa, behind Egypt and South Africa. Meanwhile, Algeria ranked 86th globally, and Tunisia secured the 83rd position, facing financial constraints. Libya and Mauritania were out left of the index.

Morocco’s image has dramatically benefited from the historic performace of the Atlas Lions at the word cup in Qatar, having qualified for the semi finals of the competition.

The Global Soft Power Index, conducted annually by Brand Finance, is based on surveys that capture the perceptions of over 100,000 individuals across 120 nations about nation brands.

The top three positions in the ranking were retained by the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany, respectively.

China came fifth overall but lost its top spot in the business and trade ranking to the US, with the US coming first in 16 of 35 categories.

Ukraine made most progress among 121 countries ranked, coming 37th.

The UK stayed second but improved its score.

Germany remained in third despite taking blows to its image due to Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s cautious stance on the war in Ukraine.