Artist Zuhair Bahaoui Gains Startdom

Zuhair Bahaoui, one of the most prominent “pop” stars in Morocco, has made a name for himself in the music scene in Morocco and elsewhere lately. Hailing from Northern Morocco in the neighborhoods of Tetouan, Bahaoui’s artistic career of singing and writing, is earning him a place at the forefront of the art scene in Morocco.

Starting with his performances on social media platforms, Bahaoui’s music career has skyrocketed to success. His song “Tssala Lia Al-sould” (Run out of money) marked his real launch into the world of stardom, and since then, he has released a number of successful works, such as “Ghamza” (wink), “Hasta Lugo” (see you later),” and “Dinero” (money), and others.

His hit song “décapotable” (convertible) has achieved over 600 million views on yourtube. This is making it the second highest-viewed Moroccan song on YouTube after “the teacher” of disgraced singer Lamjaraad who was sentenced lately to a prison term in France.

Bahaoui has also made a name for himself in the world of acting. He starred in a series entitled “Ask my tears” in its first season, which was a huge production through the MBC Maghreb channel. The series was a massive success. Bahaoui later founded a private production company bearing his name.